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Should You Invest In Farmland?

The agriculture industry encompasses everything from caring for crops to cultivating soil. If it can be found at your local grocer’s produce section, then most likely it came from a farm. In addition to fruits and vegetables, farmers can also raise animals to provide products such as leather from cattle and wool from sheep. Just the definition of a farm can widely vary. Think of how different a salmon farm is from a tobacco field or an orange orchard from a cranberry bog. They have numerous differences but are all considered part of the agriculture industry.

Investing in agriculture can help out farmers in many ways. In some instances, you’re supporting working families and their business that has been passed down for generations. Additionally, your investment can help some local farmers diversify and expand on what they can provide. For other farmers, additional funding can allow them to pursue sustainable farming where they can provide resources to the current population while protecting the environment. Investing in agriculture can even help new farmers, especially women and people of color, to get started.

The world’s population continues to grow everyday. However, as the numbers increase, so does the demand for food. It’s left to the agricultural industry to answer to this need. Researchers estimate that if two billion people are born in the next three decades, food production has to increase by 70% to meet the demand for food. The output is incredible.

Agriculture is great for investing. It can not only benefit your bank account, but also greatly aid farmers and make a positive global impact. To learn more on why investing in farmland can be profitable, look over the infographic below.

Infographic provided by CashRent, providers of a farm land value map.

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